"Battle for Moscow" is a game originally designed by Frank Chadwick in 1986 to introduce players to wargaming (rules). The graphics for this version are based on the 2009 reprint by Victory Point Games. All rights are reserved.
For any question or feedback, please email olivier@oberlabs.com.
Here is a summary of the procedure of each game turn embedded in this implementation of Battle for Moscow. For more details on this and other base characteristics of the game, please consult the rules.
When entering a combat phase, start clicking on defending units that you wish to attack.
For each of them, all available attacking units are highlighted and the corresponding battle odds are automatically calculated and displayed on the dashboard.
Click on the sign to add this battle to the list that will be resolved during the next step, and proceed to selecting the next battles of this turn if any.
Who's controlling cities at the end of the game is a key victory condition: the Germans win if they control Moscow at the end of Game Turn 7. The Russians win if they control Moscow and any one other city. Any other result (i.e., the Germans control every city but Moscow) is a draw.
Each city's control is with the army whose units were the last ones to have entered that city.
In order to assess which city is under which army's control at any point throughout the game, simply click on the turn information bar to open a summary and highlight the cities' current status on the map. Then, click again on the turn information to close the view.